Honestly speaking I suggest checking the scenery with P3D v2.5 as I noticed some kind of flickering in case of airport terminal and some other objects. I will also try to make a closer look to all parts of scenery and possibly forward some suggestions concerning p3d v2.5.
I will also suggest considering the moving jetways using SODE - it's a very good alternative to AES and shouldn't be very troublesome.
And the last thing, which is missing for me, and can be very attractive for all customers, especially using P3D v2. As you surely know AES Light is still not compatibile with P3D v2. I'm not a fan of using the FSX/P3D car traffic, but in fact for me there is missing a car traffic limited only to the area, which is over glide path close to the rwy 31R or 13R. Something similar is created for example in case of EETN scenery, where you can see a very limited card traffic in the approach to rwy 08, which is being generated by the scenery only.