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English / Re: P3Dv5 Missing terminal
« Last post by tsGucci on June 21, 2020, 20:37:13 PM »

This is a known issue. We will solve it soon. Except the lights, that is new. Unfortunately / Fortunately v5 graphical engine has been changed significantly. Basically a new scenery should be created.
English / P3Dv5 Missing terminal
« Last post by Dzosef on June 19, 2020, 15:22:53 PM »
I know it has already been mentioned here few times but I didn't find any solution.
I don't see any objects besides jetways:

[EDIT] deleting add-ons.cfg in %appdata% solved the issue...

but now I see this: , ,

Announcements/Közlemények / Re: Budapest LHBP scenery for Prepar3D v5 (and v4)
« Last post by Fedon on June 17, 2020, 20:50:33 PM »
Sziasztok! Ma újratelepítettem a Budapest scenery-t az új telepítővel, de sajnos nekem sem jelennek meg az épületek, csak a kapuk. Visszaolvastam és megpróbáltam mindent, amit a fórumon már az előzőekben leírtak és tanácsoltak, de sajnos nem sikerült épületet elővarázsolni. P3Dv4- re és GSX  mellett próbálkoztam, de csak a szégyen. Kérem segítsetek nekem, mert nagyon szeretem a repülőteret, mindig innen indulok, vagy ide érkezem. Köszönettel. Fedon
English / LHDC not showing taxiways
« Last post by atr_42_500 on June 14, 2020, 12:09:07 PM »
Fist congratulations on the great LHBP, it's one of my favorite sceneries.

I have installed LHDC for P3DV4.5, and I got an error message that I should adjust the mesh resolution to 5. This is odd since I have it to 5.
Unhappily the taxiway and runway textures do not show properly.
Can someone help?

English / Re: Prepar3D v4 - 64 bit architecture
« Last post by PatrickZ on June 14, 2020, 10:48:38 AM »
To give all the information: I've moved the folders and files

Addon Scenery

that your installer writes out of the P3D main folder and activated the scenery (scenery, alt correction, sim objects) via the xml-method with the P34 V4 Addon Organizer. I do this with all my sceneries.

And that seems to be exactly the problem, you've moved the folders and files. But the paths to those folders and files are hard-baked into the DLL file, so if you move them it doesn't match anymore. This scenery doesn't allow you to move the folders and files.

Extremely inconvenient, I know. I also move the folders and files just like you do. But it has been said that in the next version (Budapest V2) the hard-baked paths in the DLL will be history and you can move them. Can't wait, even if it's just for that.
Scenery Showroom / Re: Hungary Scenery Project /FSX LHPP, Pécs-Pogány
« Last post by simpilothr on June 10, 2020, 21:26:19 PM »

I was wondering if this Pécs scenery is compatible with P3D v4...if it is, let me know :D
Scenery Showroom / Re: Krk Island - Rijeka Airport scenery
« Last post by simpilothr on June 10, 2020, 21:24:43 PM »
ORBX has this airport in development now. I guess we can scrap the LHSimulations version.

And it released today xD
Honestly, I think the LHSimulations version is great and will stay as my go-to option for a while, until I can actually get some money to buy the Orbx version.
English / Re: Incorrectly Placed Trees / Textures at Budapest (LHBP) P3D V5
« Last post by tsGucci on June 10, 2020, 11:17:49 AM »
Unfortunately there is no solution yet.

There is a known issue with the Prepar3D v5 installation. The trees around 31R starts to float when you approach the airport. We are still investigating the issue.
For a quick fix you can disable those trees until we find the root cause. Please rename or delete REGIO_05.MDL in
:\Users\[your user]\Documents\Prepar3D v5 Add-ons\LHSimulations Budapest LHBP v1\SimObjects\Misc\LHBP_objectPlacer\model.Regio_05
or wherever you installed the scenery.

Hopefully we can fix the issue soon.

Happy landings!

Basically I cannot start my v5 on my computer, it crashes everytime. I have just ordered a new GPU Card to upgrade to directx12
English / Incorrectly Placed Trees / Textures at Budapest (LHBP) P3D V5
« Last post by MrYorkiesWorld on June 09, 2020, 21:12:56 PM »
Hi everyone,

I have just purchased LHBP from SimMarket, and installed it into P3D V5.

Upon starting the simulator after installing, I have noticed the trees and textures dont look right. It appears the tyrees are floating, and there is a strange sort of blue / white artifact over some of the buildings as well when I look from above.

Any ideas what this could be?

I use:

P3D V5 (Hotfix 1)
Orbx FTX Global
Orbx Trees HD
Orbx FTX Global LC Europe

I've also attached some screenshots of the issue to this thread.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

English / Re: Black/No building - Only jetways?
« Last post by VIEIRA12 on June 06, 2020, 21:56:37 PM »
I will try thank you
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