So I managed to fix the scenery! However there is a few things I aint happy about, that I hope you can fix/try to fix.
When I install a new scenery I install it outside of my P3Dv4 ROOT folder. I keep my scenery orginized somewhere else.
I installed LHS Budapest into main folder, then moved it out, this was then the issue. It broke when I moved it out. Then I moved it back in and it worked somewhat.
There was this issue with default jetways overlapping the scenery ones. Then I downloaded the GSX profile from inibuilds to get SODE jeyways with GSX level 2.
So if it would be possible for you guys to fix that I can actually install the scenery outside the root, then that would be great. Because now I sit with all my sceneries outside with this one inside.
And that you can't actually rename the layer in the scenery libary is also quite bad in my opinion. I rename all my layes to something that makes sense and that keeps it all tidy!
Otherwise this is a nice scenery and I quite enjoy it. These thing would be just really nice to have
Best regards