Did just what you described:
This error appeared in the initial build version of 1.2 at some computer configuration. The problem has been solved on 31.12.2013. If you have an earlier installation and you get this error just go to your simulator root folder Modules folder. Delete the LHBP_objectPlacer.dll than go to Addon scenery\LHS_LHBP_X run the LHSproductact.exe . After some seconds it should return with a message : LHSimulations Scenery Activation Succesfull. If you go back to the Modules folder a new LHBP_objectPlacer.dll should be present. Try the simulator the message 505 should disappear, but it did not...
If you have installed the scenery later and this message pops up, than it means the scenery was installed on a different than it is used at the moment.
It is no solution...
Since no answer, and cockpit highly used, just deleted LHBP_objectPlacer.dll, scenery works fine...