I must say that the scenery of Debrecen is awesome and I'd like to thank your for such great freeware scenery.
In last days I installed it in my Prepar3d v2.5 + the LHS objects library.
I made a first flight to LHDC and have no problems after landing - everything was perfect on the airport during touchdown, taxing and parking. But when I loaded my plane on the scenery to make the flight from LHDC, I noticed some ground problems.
I thought that maybe it's caused by FTX Vector and thus I have to disable elevation in it. Unfortunately FTX Vector doesn't allow me to disable LHDC manually and in case of automatic process LHDC is not verified as a conflicting scenery. Please find enclosed some screenshots, which should show the problem. The strange thing is that if I'm higher, the more taxiways I can see.
My mesh is set to 5m and I even tried to change it to 1m, 2m or even 10-19m - unfortunately there was no change.
Besides near the touchdown zone of 23L I also noticed some black squares, which you can find on a last screen.
Do you see any chance to help me?
Marcin Gwiazdzinski
BTW: I have FTX Global, FTX Vector, FTX openLC and FTX Norway installed in the simulator.