Author Topic: Errors after installing P3D v3.1  (Read 8577 times)

Offline farman

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Errors after installing P3D v3.1
« on: March 13, 2016, 22:51:14 PM »
  attached the warning I see ev’rytime I try to save your airport in a different position inside the Scenery Library; it appears when closing and saving the application. This happens using or the "Scenery Configurator Editor" or directly from PrD v3.1 Library.
  If you remember, I wrote you I had a similar problem with SDG Cairo int’l; but once it has been updated to v3.1, this issue has been fixed by itself. So, I can’t understand why this problem (never appeared in v.2x) is going on with this only add-on.
  Thanks for any help; BTW, just few days ago I installed a new version of Java, directly from their official Oracle site; this because I see a lot of references to Java in the list.

Offline tsGucci

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Re: Errors after installing P3D v3.1
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2016, 11:50:14 AM »

Unfortunately I'm still not able to reproduce the error you get.
Our configurator program before it makes a change in the scenery.cfg it makes a copy like scenery_before_LHSimulations_LHBP_20160316_1454.cfg. Please try to activate that file again and add the scenery manually to the scenery library.

If you need help please do not hesitate to contact us.

Lima Hotel Simulations - Flight Simulator scenery design for Hungary

Offline farman

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Re: Errors after installing P3D v3.1
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2016, 15:12:18 PM »
  unfortunately I had to reinstall the scenery.cfg file after having uninstalled Budapest; with this error, P3D freezes; I can't do anything but to get back to my saved, former scenry.cfg file. If it should be possible to install by myself and point the installer in another folder of my choice, perhaps all might work properly. Well, let's wait for your 1.4 version; possibly all will work properly (as per Cairo airport, with the very same problem, fixed after SDG released a brand new version).
  I purchased Budapest at SimMarket and, as usual, I'm expected to get some notice from this vendor.