Pécs-Pogány (LHPP)
Freeware – FS2004, FSX, X-Plane

Pécs Pogány Airport is one of the five international airport in Hungary. The airport is located 10 km’s from Pécs town. Pécs is the fifth largest city of Hungary, located on the slopes of the Mecsek mountains in the south-west of the country, close to its border with Croatia. It is the administrative and economical centre of Baranya county. Pécs has been selected to be the European Capital of Culture in 2010 sharing the title together with Essen and Istanbul. The city’s motto is: “The Borderless City”. The airport has only one asphalt runway (16/34, 1500m/4900ft). Rwy16 is equipped with CAT I. ILS.
This scenery won the best freeware FS9 airport in 2012 category at flusinews.de!
Download links:
LHPP 2004
LHPP X-Plane
For complete functionality you have to install the LHSimulations Library Base Pack 02-12 (or higher version, format means MM-YY) if it is not installed yet! Download link for Library Base Pack here:
FS2004 :
Library Base Pack (FS2004) 0812 Build2
AES (Airport Enhancement Services) is available for the scenery. You need install the AES v2.22 or higher. No credit is needed to activate the airport in AES.
Product type: Freeware with limited distribution. Add-on software for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004, X and X-Plane.