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ATTENTION!: Debrecen Airport scenery has been released for Microsoft Flight Simulator!

Bombardier Dash-8 Q400

Freeware – FS2004

Bombardier Dash-8 Q400 Panel with vasfmc gauge
for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004
 Download links:
http://lhsimulations.com/Downloads/Dreamwings Dash 8 Q400 with vasFMC v2.6.zip
Aircraft: Dreamwings DASH 8-Q 400 Malév with vasFMC for FS2004 (Server DE) (10529 downloads) ;
10 additional livery: Dreamwings DASH 8-Q 400 Livery Pack (Server DE) (4960 downloads)
Modell: Dreamwings http://www.dreamwings-design.com/forum/
Panel: based upon by Dmitry Stepin aka Bravo
modified by Gabor Petrovszki and Laszlo Horvath
Repaint: HA-LQA, HA-LQC, HA-LQD László Horváth
Sound: http://www.flightsim.com/kdl.php?fid=96999
FMS: VasFMC http://vas-project.org/
TCAS: http://people.csail.mit.edu/ilh/fs/ILH_TCAS_doc/
Shockwave 3d light redux www.shockwaveproductions.com
Some gauges: dash8v3 hector molina panel
Test crew: Zoltán Desits, Gergely Hegyesi & David Pajor
Contact to the real one: Daniel Deák
Modification for: http://www.virtualairlines.hu

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