FIGYELEM!: Megjelent a Debrecen Airport scenery Microsoft Fligth Simulator-ra!
Log készítés (Prepar3D / FSX)
1. Locate the root folder of your scenery. It is usually at: D:\program files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\Addon Scenery\LHS_LHBP_X
2. Check the version of LHSimulationsSceneryConfigurator.exe. It must be or higher!
3. Open the LHSprodact.ini with notepad
4. Delete the "/" fron of logoption line
5. Do not forget to save it!
6. Run the LHSimulationsSceneryConfigurator.exe
7. Thickmark both option! (Objectplacer DLL Log and Simconnect log)
8. Run your simulator! (Do not close the Scenery Configurator!)
9. A console will appear, that is normal.
10. Load the LHSimulations scenery (e.g. LHBP)
11. Check the Addon-s menu whether the LHSimulations menu is present.
12. You can close the simulator. Wait until the console closes
13. You can unthick both option now. (Objectplacer DLL Log and Simconnect log)
14. Save the configurator log
15. Exit the configurator
16. Locate the C:\LHS_logs folder and send us every file via email to