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FIGYELEM!: Megjelent a Debrecen Airport scenery Microsoft Fligth Simulator-ra!

Hibaüzenetek (Prepar3D/FSX)

Error 302 - Registration code is banned
The scenery has been activated too many times. Either you installed the scenery too many times or the registration code was "leaked". Please contact us at info@lhsimulations.com preferably from the email you used during the purchase of the scenery. Let us know please where you purchased the scenery and we will unlock your regcode as soon as possible.

Error 505 - Genuine test failed
This error appeared in the initial build version of 1.2 at some computer configuration. The problem has been solved on 31.12.2013. If you have an earlier installation and you get this error just go to your simulator root folder Modules folder. Delete the LHBP_objectPlacer.dll than go to Addon scenery\LHS_LHBP_X run the LHSproductact.exe . After some seconds it should return with a message : LHSimulations Scenery Activation Succesfull. If you go back to the Modules folder a new LHBP_objectPlacer.dll should be present. Try the simulator the message 505 should disappear. If you have installed the scenery later and this message pops up, than it means the scenery was installed on a different than it is used at the moment.

Error 425 - No C++ redistributable found
The scenery needs a C++ redistributable pack. It can be downloaded from Microsoft: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=5555 or http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=14632 . Please make sure you download the correct version for your operating system (like system version and 32/64 bit).

Error 417. scenery.cfg was not found!
The activator could not find the scenery.cfg. It is searching it at: [ConfigDataRooot / C:\ProgramData]\Microsoft\FSX\scenery.cfg. PLease check if the file present. Normaly FSX won't start with a corrupted scenery.cfg. If the scenery.cfg is missing it will generate a new clean one with the next FSX start. You can also ignore this message and add the scenery manually in FSX scenery library (look for the LHS_LHBP_X folder)

Error 413. Can not find the closing line in dll.xml!
Your dll.xml may be corrupted or it is not in the right structure! Edit your dll.xml by hand, shift the line to a new separate line and re-run the activator. The activator could find the dll.xml but the last line which should be do not. Open your dll.xml with Notepad and check the file. The may be there but not in a separate line. It should be separate line at the end of the file. Correct the dll.xml and save it. If done please re-run the LHBP_Activator.exe (You can find it [FSX root folder]\Addon Scenery\LHS_LHBP_X\LHBP_Activator.exe You may use the FSX DLL.XML Viewer and Repair Utility from flight1 to edit your dll.xml. You can find it here: https://www.flight1.com/view.asp?page=library

Error 421 - Invalid directory
The installer can not find the value which stores the FS2004/FSX/Prepar3D location. Most probably the registry entry which contains the simulator's root folder is missing or broken. You can find a program at Flight1 webpage they have a tool called "FSX/FS9 Registry Repair Tool (36KB)" http://www.flight1.com/view.asp?page=library Download and run it, select the appropriate folder. It should fix the registry. It is important to run it as administrator (right click on the file and choose: Run as administrator) Re-install the scenery.

Error 501, Error 502 - Scenery is obsolete or nearing obsolescence
Run the LHSproductact.exe in your [FS]\Addon scenery\LHS_LHBP_X folder with administrator rights. If that does not help, please delete the LHBP_OBJECTPLACER.DLL in your 'Modules' folder. Than run the LHSproductact.exe again. A new LHBP_OBJECTPLACER.DLL should be downloaded. P.S.I: We are sorry for the inconvenience we promise this is the last time you encounter this message. This message was faced out with the DLL version released on 11.06.2019. Our purpose was just to make sure that everybody is using the latest version.

This file contains invalid data.
The download of the installer file was most probably interrupted and not the whole content was downloaded. Please verify the size of the file. Try another server or if available download the ZIP file splitted into smaller files.

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LHSimulations 2009 All rights reserved/Minden jog fenntartva

By LAStudio

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