8,- EUR (excl. VAT)
Győr-Pér (LHPR) és Bőny-Győrszentiván
First payware project of LHSimulations. The scenery includes two airports. Pér LHPR is an international airport with asphalt runway. Bőny is a small airport with grass runway very close to the M1 motorway. The sceneries features a lot of eyecandies. This is an all for one package, with one purchase you can download all versions (FS2004, FSX, X-Plane).

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First payware project of LHSimulations. The scenery includes two airports. Pér LHPR is an international airport with asphalt runway. Bőny is a small airport with grass runway very close to the M1 motorway. The sceneries features a lot of eyecandies. This is an all for one package, with one purchase you can download all versions (FS2004, FSX, X-Plane).
The two airports are located in Northeast of Hungary. They are extremely close to each other, actualy LHBY lying on the traffic pattern of Pér. LHPR is an international but small airport with one asphalt runway. The airport is located 10km’€™s from the Hungarian factory of Audi. Private Wings Dornier 328′€˛s are bringing the audi’€™s worker day by day. The airports handles extremely lot of cargo as well. LHBY (Bőny) is a smaller airport with grass runway. It has a big hangar for a maintenance base. This is the biggest maintenance base in Europe for YAK-52.
Product type: Payware, content under copyright. Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 or Microsoft Flight Simulator X add-on software.
Delivery method: Digital download.
Available versions: MS FS2004, MS FSX, Dovetail FSX Steam Edition, [Prepare3D - available but not supported]
- High resolution photo background covering 40km2
- Seasonal textures
- Custom runways created with gmax
- Volumetric 3D grass
- Highly detailed 3D objects
- Accuracy to the last detail, the real thing looks exactly like this
- High resolution textures
- Animations
- Custom runway edge and approach lights
- Intensive use of LOD`s (Level of detail) for best performance
- CityGlow effect (the lights coming from the cities illuminates the dust in the air during night)
FSX`s special features:
- Drawcall batching were used where possible and make sense for best performance
- Bump textures on main buildings
- Reflection textures
Good to know:
- This scenery needs the LHSimulations Library Base Pack which is a freeware scenery and can be downloaded from here. If you do not install the Library Base Pack you will miss a lot of objects from your scenery.
- After your purchase you will get links to download your product(s). You will also recieve a registration code which will be needed during the installation of the product. You can access the download links and your purchased registration codes any time in your webshop`s account.
- With one purchase you will be entitled for all product updates till version 1.99
AirdailyX : "Here none was left out and is very beautifully laid out across this scenery. The attention to detail in this work is superb to say the least." Full review here.
* Basically we are not designers of X-Plane. We are converting the scenery with available converter tools for X-Plane and we are adjusting this converted version. This means the quality of the scenery may not reach the ones which are designed specificaly for X-Plane. As soon the X-Plane version is available we will open a gallery which will contain unedited screenshots from X-Plane to show the final result.